Alcohol Interventions for the Disease of Alcoholism
For those individuals of legal drinking age, Alcohol is a legal and socially acceptable drug. Alcohol utilizes first pass metabolism; one of the few drugs that enters the blood stream, initially, from the stomach. Recent evidence suggests that Genetic/Physiological factors, specifically the presence, absence and amount of digestive enzyme(s) available in the gut, greatly influence the users first and continued experience with alcohol. There are gender and racial biases important in understanding ones ability to remove alcohol as a toxin from the body. Individuals, who are biologically incapable or limited in their ability to process alcohol as a toxin, experience a much higher blood alcohol level than a person with a “normal” amount of enzyme. Such a predisposition genetically affords the enzyme deficient (or absent) user with a first experience, and subsequent experiences that are more challenging and damaging to the body, both short and long term. Social pressures and/or underlying psychiatric co-morbidities (Addictive Personalities) may promote such a persons consumption of alcohol and increase the likelihood of abuse and addiction, ignorant of alcohol’s chemical dependency potential.
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol interventions are required after the self-inflicted maltreatment, injury, or damage to ones with alcohol. This includes the physical body of the addict and the social and/or financial harm that will affect this same “natural person” within society. It includes the family, friends, coworkers and congregation members who are likely victims and/or enablers of the addict’s abusive behavior.
Alcohol Addiction and Dependency
Beyond abuse; Addiction and dependency are a potential mix of the physiological need for alcohol and psychological or behavioral need for self medication with alcohol. Ultimately the addict has to desire to be free of her drive for the drug and/or its effects. Unfortunately, a great deal of damage, if not death is far more likely than an addict seeking treatment on their own.
Alcohol Abuse Intervention
If you are reading this, it is NOT too late. Calls are confidential and anonymous. You may only need information: Your loved one may need an alcohol intervention.
Call now for a drug intervention consultation TOLL FREE 1-866-888-4911